Resolutions Healthcare

Unresolved Trauma: Wounds That Will Not Heal with Sobriety Alone!

Resolutions Healthcare Blog will be a site where I will begin to post and share about addictions, mental health, and our proprietary trauma treatment model Resolution Focused Therapy©(RFT©). It will also contain the necessary information to assist people struggling with addictions and mental health. I hope this blog will help those in need of information and education on substance abuse and mental health issues. In no way is this page meant to be therapy! I need to stress this point. If you feel overwhelmed in your life please seek professional help! Thank you!

How to Find an Experienced Trauma Therapist.

I cannot stress enough the importance of selecting an experienced trauma therapist when seeking help for a past trauma/life event. This will be one of the most important decisions you will have to make. I have been in the mental health field for over 30 years and have devoted all my clinical efforts in the […]

Sense of Purpose

I have been a firm believer that finding your passion in life is a great healing factor for those suffering from addictions. However, I have recently shifted this belief to finding your purpose in life. This came about after a discussion with one of my leadership team members, Morris Crosby. We were discussing how nice […]

Why Do We Replay Traumatic Events in Our Heads?

Why do we keep playing a past traumatic event over and over in our minds? With children thisrepetitive cycle reveals itself through art, games, and behaviors. With adults, it’s oftenintertwined with symptoms such as “Flashbacks”, anxiety, depression, or concealed in their dailyobsessive/compulsive rituals. In my Resolution Focused Therapy© (RFT) I call it “Spinning” (re-playing the […]

Unresolved Trauma: Wounds That Will Not Heal with Sobriety Alone!

Resolutions Healthcare’s addiction curriculum includes my Phase I of Resolution Focused Therapy© (RFT) trauma model. Phase I helps clients connect the dots necessary to resolve our past trauma/issues. I say beginning because that is all you can hope for the first 30 days of sobriety. Any rehab that professes trauma resolution in the first 30 […]


Death and dying are inevitable and a part of life. However, the sudden death of a loved one poses an entirely different challenge that very few of us are truly prepared for. And yes, I do consider the death and dying of a loved one as a traumatic event. There are just too many emotions, […]

We Are the Product of Our Past Resolved and Unresolved Issues

My Resolution Focused Therapy© (RFT) is founded in inductive reasoning and my own life’sjourney. All of us have past resolved and unresolved issues in our lives and we are the productof those issues. How you deal with your past will determine how you live your lives in thepresent. My RFT philosophy stresses that the more […]


Before moving forward with this topic let me say that the development of Timelines can sometimes dredge up past emotional experiences. If at any time you find yourselves getting too emotional, please stop the process until feeling more stable or relaxed to continue. If this emotional reaction becomes too overwhelming, please stop, and seek professional […]


The “Mind, Body, and Spirit” philosophy is not only my personal mantra, but Resolution’s Healthcare’s logo and way of life. The difference for me and our company is we preach it all the time. We are not saying it just to sound good for public relations, it’s part of our mental health and recovery beliefs. […]


I’m sure you have all heard the adage “Sometimes Good People Do Bad Things”, there have been several variations of the quote, but this captures the gist of them all. I have found this to be very true in the substance abuse field. In fact, it’s true with any addiction. In active addictions we become […]


For those of you who watch movies, you often see and relate to characters and plots. Sometimes they are accurate and other times sensationalized by Hollywood. We cry, laugh, become sad and happy as we watch movies. What movies do you identify with, and why? Start noticing what draws you to a movie and why. […]


If you have ever said “I can’t live without you” to someone, please read this blog. You need to recognize those words are a red flag for you and your future. If you have said these words and sort of meant it figuratively, then disregard the rest of this blog. Those five words send shivers down my spine when I hear people say them to a loved one. All I hear is their lives are worthless without their loved ones, and that is just not healthy in any way, shape, or form.


They say, “Money Can’t Buy You Happiness”, well I’m adding recovery to that adage. I know, I know, many people will say different things about money buying the ability to achieve happiness. And still more people will say money can buy a better treatment center for recovery. I recognize all those variations, but it has been my personal and professional experience that both happiness and recovery come from within, regardless of how much money you have.