How long is Inpatient treatment?

Inpatient length of stay (LOS) can be tailored to each client’s needs. Traditional LOS stays are 30, 60, and 90 days and would include detox and residential care. However, some clients are not able to stay for 30 or more days due to assorted reasons such as family and work obligations and we will assist them with individualized programming to fit their needs. Clients unable to commit to 30 plus days of residential treatment can admit to detox only services and expect anywhere from 5 to 10 days of treatment. Those clients will then have the option of continuing treatment through our outpatient services programs.

Is it painful detoxing off of drugs and/or alcohol?

Detoxing off drugs and/or alcohol can be uncomfortable at times; however, our medical staff will ease the withdrawal symptoms of detoxing with a blend of medications geared toward lowering the effects. Our experienced medical team will make the detox experience more tolerable. Our 24/7 nursing and clinical staff will be with you every step of the way.

What is Hidden Oaks life like?

Life at our Hidden Oaks inpatient ranch is peaceful and off the grid. Clients seeking a quiet and serene atmosphere will find it here. Our 46-acre ranch is close to Dallas without the hectic pace of the city. If you are looking for a slower pace and a place to focus on your recovery, Hidden Oaks may be right for you. Our programming is geared around our Mind, Body, and Spirit philosophy. We believe all three spheres are necessary to strengthen and prepare you for your new sober journey.

What does Hidden Oaks have that is unique and different from other rehabs?

Resolutions Healthcare’s Hidden Oaks curriculum offers clients with past trauma a dual curriculum. We utilize our own Resolution Focused Therapy© (RFT) to address past trauma/life events that have impacted clients with addictions. Clients will learn how past abuse, death, accidents, victimizations, and any other traumatic event have played a role in addictions. While getting sober, these clients will begin the journey to trauma resolution. RFT will help set clients on a course to continue the trauma resolution work by teaching basic grounding techniques necessary when clients are triggered in their environments.

Resolutions Healthcare’s supplementary wilderness/survival program offers clients a unique opportunity to apply the skills learned into the “real world” and challenges that face clients when re-entering their communities. Our Director of Experiential Services, Dalton Blazek, has developed his own unique blend of survival and wilderness groups to offer clients supplementary groups to their regular substance programming.

Hidden Oaks inpatient ranch has a 6,000 sq ft indoor gymnasium. We offer clients an array of sporting activities such as a full court basketball area, weights, exercise equipment and indoor gaming activities.

What do I need to bring with me to Hidden Oaks when admitting?

Clients should bring normal hygiene items as well as sleepwear. Clients should also bring casual wear for most indoor groups and activities. They should also pack workout clothes to use when engaging in sports or exercise in our 6,000 sq ft indoor gymnasium, and outdoor wear for our wilderness experience. We also recommend bringing enough tobacco products to get you through your stay. Hidden Oaks is a 46-acre ranch, and as such, clients should bring clothes suitable to a ranch environment.

Does Hidden Oaks have around the clock nursing, medical care, and psychiatric care?

Yes, we have 24/7 medical care. Our nursing staff is always available to assist our clients. We also have a Board Certified medical and psychiatric NP on call 24/7.

Does Hidden Oaks have an experienced clinical staff?

Yes, Our Chief Executive and Chief Clinical Officer, Vinnie Strumolo is a licensed therapist and has over 34 years of mental health and trauma experience. Vinnie has developed the RFT trauma therapy that is utilized only at Resolutions Healthcare. Laura Zalkovsky is the Clinical Director and is a Licensed therapist and Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor. Laura has worked with Vinnie for over 9 years and has also trained in his trauma resolution model.

Am I allowed to keep my electronic devices?

At Resolutions Healthcare we understand that most clients feel the need to have their cell phones in treatment. However, there are restrictions on telephone usage. Clients should be focused on recovery and not the hustle and bustle that may have been part of the addiction problem in the first place. We have found that cell phones interfere with clients’ focus and treatment. However, we do understand there are always exceptional circumstances and can discuss them during the pre-admission process.

Does Hidden Oaks teach any specific recovery model?

Resolutions Healthcare programs stress the importance of connecting with formalized recovery models when returning home. We pride ourselves in meeting clients where they are at in treatment. We also respect our clients’ beliefs and will allow them to find the appropriate recovery model for them. For example, Alcohol Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA) SMART Recovery, Celebrate Recovery (CR), and any other organization that fits our client’s beliefs and needs. We believe there are many paths to recovery and will assist our clients with selecting the most appropriate for them to follow through with upon graduation.

How do I know I’m ready for substance treatment?

This is the million-dollar question for sure. Too many clients enter treatment for the wrong reasons and end up leaving early or against medical advice. We recommend that all clients do a self-checklist on their lives. If your drug or alcohol consumption is interfering with your current life and has negatively impacted the loved ones around you, then consider that you need to change something. But before committing to a treatment program ask yourselves if this change is for you or the loved ones around you? We have found that changing for others will not be enough to sustain a sober and healthy life. Therefore, make the change for yourselves! For those who believe that others depend on them being present all the time should remember the times they have abandoned those loved ones while on a binge. Stop the excuses to justify staying in active addiction.